About Us
The Parksville Senior’s Activity & Drop-In Centre offers seniors (55 and up) a warm, safe place to get together with friends or to meet and make new friends and offers various games and physical activities that will allow seniors to enhance their physical, mental and emotional well-being.
Our activities include:
- exercise classes,
- beginners line dance and line dance
- yoga,
- choir,
- bingo,
- scrabble,
- tile rummy,
- darts
- shuffleboard
- plus more.
If there is a request for something else and we have the time and the space we try to add that to our list of activities.
Special Events
Several times a year we put on special events such as teas and lunches to encourage our seniors to socialize in a group setting. Our Choir also has a concert twice a year and that is very popular with our members.
Our Centre is run completely by volunteers. At present the Board of Directors has 9 members plus the help of the volunteers that keep the activities organized and the kitchen staffed.

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Last Updated on: 2023-10-07