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February 2025 Newsletter


It sure is February; right now, it’s raining cats, dogs, and maybe rats because we live by the sea. The wind is blowing sideways, and if you don’t turn the lights on, it’s dark in every room. I like this month as it’s my Birthday month, and I had so much fun. I loved the gifts and cards my family and friends gave me. It always seems to snow, but the sun shines bright on the snow. The end of February is just around the corner, and then comes spring, with everything turning green, and the air feels soft against my skin. Life pokes its nose out of the soil, and the weeding begins.

Yesterday, I invited four friends for tea and a coffee party. I used my best china (it was really happy to make it out of the china cabinet), and it looked so pretty on my dining room table set on the white tablecloth with napkins beside it. I served a fruit plate along with baked goodies and chocolates. We talked and laughed with the rain beating on the windows, and we were cozy and warm inside. Sometimes, at the worst of times, we can be very happy sharing our time with good friends, which happens at the Seniors Centre on rainy and sunny days.

You can order lunch after or before your class, and we’re adding to the menu. Beginning on the 27th of February, we will also serve grilled cheese sandwiches every second Thursday. Our soups and baking are made by our volunteers, and you don’t have to do the dishes. Take a friend to lunch and show an act of kindness to someone who is not expecting it, making their day a happy one.

Some Senior Centre’s News.

Subject: Jewellery-making classes – once a month, starting Monday, March 24th from 10:30 – 1:30. There can be 6 participants, with two on a cancellation list. The cost is $15.00 per session. All participants must preregister and prepay. It is non-refundable as the instructor is supplying all the materials. If you need to cancel and we can fill your spot from the cancellation list, your money will be refunded. Please register with the greeter on shift. The next classes are Monday, April 28th, Monday, May 26th and Monday, June 23rd. The participants will learn various important jewellery skills whilst making a project to take away with them. All materials, tools and printed instruction sheets are included.

The Centre is looking for experienced bookkeepers to back up our present bookkeeper, Sharon, who is still in the hospital and will not be doing our books anymore. This job takes about five hours a week. For more information, you will need to talk to President Patti Cloutier. The program we use is called Wave.

Our wonderful teacher Liz, of yoga and exercise, will be away from March 10th to the 21st on a much-needed holiday. Her classes will be cancelled during this time and resume on March 24th. Have a great time, Liz.

Krafty Korners is having a good time on Wednesday from 12:30 to 3:00 and is looking for new members.

The Widows Friendship Circle group is also looking for new members. They meet on Mondays from 10:00 to 12:00.

Some members have expressed an interest in playing ping-pong. If you are interested, there is a section in the Activity Book where you can sign up. If we get enough people, we will look at this further.

Our winner this month of the $20.00 gift certificate is Kathy Baker. Congratulations Kathy.

If you have not paid your dues, you won’t get a chance to win. If you haven’t paid your dues by now, you should. We’re waiting to sign you in. If you have not renewed your membership, this will be the last newsletter you receive.

Have a great month!

Bev Swann

Last Updated on: 2025-02-25