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May 2024 Newsletter


Hi Everyone,

May is here and the flowers are blooming. The nurseries are so happy we are visiting, so they put on a show of every different flower you can imagine. Every year I wander up and down the isles wanting to choose every variety, with Bill wondering where I am going to put them. This year I grew some seeds of beautiful sunflowers, 37 of them, and now I have to plant them a foot apart somewhere around my yard, When they are all in bloom I’ll ask Bill to take a picture of their sunshiny faces, and I’ll put them on the board for you to see.

We’ve just had our Board meeting and I have some information to share with you. First, did you know if you have been a paid up member of the Seniors Centre for the past two years and having a 90th Birthday you will become a non-paying Life Time member next year. If you are already 90 and have been a member for two years you also don’t have to pay next year, how easy it is to save $20.00. When our Supervisors and Board members register you, it is very difficult for us to know how old you are as you all look so youthful, so be brave and proud and tell us, we won’t tell anyone unless you give us permission

The Centre is having a hot lunch on Friday, May31. It will be barbequed hot dog or hamburger and salads for just $10.00. The luncheon staff can only accommodate 20 people so sign up early for this event, there is nothing like the smell of a hot dog or burger on the grill. It makes my mouth water just thinking about it. Now, this is a good time to ask you to consider joining our kitchen staff. We need at least 5 (but 10 would be better) members to help keep our kitchen running smoothly. This job is not hard to do, and unless we have more volunteers our events will become fewer and fewer. Elaine May will be having a training meeting on Wednesday the 29th. of May at 10:00 a.m. at the Centre for new volunteers. Please come and find out how easy this volunteer job is and how much fun you’ll have doing it.

For your information: Shuffleboard will be suspended until September and the last session will be on the 28th of this month.

Euchre is being played every Tuesday from 1:00 – 3:00, and the players would love to have you join them. There will be another sign-up sheet on the Board. This is a lovely way to spend the afternoon.

At the Board meeting it was brought to my attention that some of you have not listed an emergency number when you joined the Centre. Please check with the person in the office that your information is UP TO DATE!!!! We have had 2 emergencies recently and this information is imperative for your safety.

Just a little heads up; we will have summer hours starting in July and August. There will be more information in the June newsletter. We will only be open Tuesday to Thursday and a new class schedule will be printed.

A very big thank you to Ed and Gord for being so kind as to keep our Centre in good repair. We could never manage without our volunteers, once again Thank you!

The winner of our Thrifty’s gift certificate this month is Lindsay Wilson, congratulations from the Centre.

Have a happy month and enjoy the warmth as it comes in gently.

Bev Swann

Last Updated on: 2024-05-24