August 2023 Newsletter
Hi everyone,
I can hardly believe that August is nearly done and we’re off and running into September where the air should not be as hot, and the rains should come and cool us down. It will be wonderful for all of us to see the green all around us and more people smiling.
We have much news to share with you and all of it is good news! The Centre will be opening five days a week starting September 5th with all classes beginning then. Please find attached the new activities schedule.
Some really happy news for all you singers is the Centre has a new keyboard instead of the old piano and you shall make a joyful sound when you hear it! Classes begin September 6th 1:00-3pm.
Ernie’s Art class (drawing) will begin September 7th and his Advanced Art class starts September 11th. You must pre-register for these courses. Pre-registration can be called into the Center from 9am – 3:30pm.
Fran’s, Painting for Pleasure (acrylics) will be starting September 18th from 10-noon. This is a drop-in class. There is a one-time fee ($15) for beginners which includes supplies. Fran is also going to be teaching Decoupage. There is a one-time fee of $20 for supplies. Pre-registration is required for both classes. Please contact our office. For further details please see the posters on the Members bulletin board.
Liz Moore is offering a new class -- Gentle Chair Fitness & Yoga on Wednesday 11:15 – noon, beginning September 6th. Kate, our secretary, and I will be attending this one to get back in shape. Why don’t you come along and join us, you’re never too old to learn something new. Plus, we have all the other fitness classes still. Come and enjoy.
I’m including my Plum Torte recipe this month as plums are ready now. I like this recipe very much because it’s easy and freezes well. Enjoy.
Please note that we are raising our prices in the kitchen as of the beginning of September. Soup will be $5, a sandwich will be $5, scones will be $2 and the Friday hot lunch will be $10. As we all know the price of groceries continues to go up, but the food is so good from our kitchen and our volunteers work really hard to provide excellence.
We have more good news. We received a grant to buy a new laptop for our Treasurer. Our old laptop was extremely slow and made her job very difficult.
Susan Schaefer, an acclaimed local artist is offering acrylic painting workshops in our Centre in October (14th and 15th) and November 12th. The first workshop is scenic, and the second is barns, sheds, and old relics. Please see the attached information for more details.
Also, there will be more news about fitness offerings, such as an Open House, or other exciting things. Stay tuned for more news.
The tech support gentleman will be back in September. Stay tuned for the starting date.
Realize that it’s never too late. Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way. Have health and hope and happiness. Take the time to wish upon a star. And don’t ever forget for even a day how very special you are.
We’ll be seeing you all soon.
Your editor
Bev Swann